“NASA Ames event draws everyone from Amazon to enthusiasts to discuss unmanned aircraft regulations
This week [7/29/15], more than 1,000 attendees are flocking to the NASA Ames Research Center with the goal of zeroing in on better rules and tools for the growing drone market. Considered by some as the industry’s premiere event, the Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management Convention brought various stakeholders together to discuss a future where the skies are populated with hundreds of little drones.
The global market for drones is already estimated to be a $2.5 billion industry, much of which is derived from the huge push to adopt drones for commercial uses. Nevertheless, aviation rules as set by the FAA are almost entirely based on the days when flying meant formally certified pilots being in the cockpit of an aircraft. The definition of flying has rapidly changed with the advent of drones, which sell for as little as $300. The power and perils of aviation are now open to pretty much anyone, but those newcomers have a hazy set of rules governing the airspace.”
Fly over to www.mv-voice.com/news/2015/07/29/ to read the whole article, and comments.