A free non-SPAUG event, hosted by Café Scientifique, Thursday, June 15, 2017, 5 pm, at HanaHaus (in the old Varsity theatre), 456 University Ave, Palo Alto.
“Summary: Average human lifespan has increased remarkably in the last century and continues to rise, albeit more slowly. Much of this rise is due to medical advances that postpone, treat or prevent certain age-related pathologies. Nonetheless, many older people face years of disability, with enormous human and economic costs. What are the prospects for human health spans and longevity? Recent advances in aging research have identified a few basic mechanisms that appear to drive aging in complex organisms, including humans. Judith Campisi from the Buck Institute of Age Research in Berkeley will discuss one of these mechanisms — a multifaceted stress response — and the prospects for interventions that have the potential to extend the years of healthy life by manipulating this response. She will also discuss the much-debated prospect of extending longevity or absolute years of life.” — http://www.cafescipa.org/
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