4249 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Digital Devices, Cyber Security, and Privacy
Sanjiv Pandey, RSA
With the burgeoning use of digital devices we feel connected. We can share pictures, send messages, download apps, FaceTime, hangout on google, and what not. Along with all the good stuff comes the dangers of cyber security and concerns over privacy. With a click we can download a malware that sends all our logins, and passwords to an attacker. Unknowingly the use of free wifi can expose us to a potential attack on our devices. I’ll talk about various issues related to digital devices and what you can do to protect yourself.
Sanjiv is Manager, Software Engineering at RSA, the security division of EMC Corporation. Together with his team they develop threat detection solutions to secure fortune 500 companies. Sanjiv has an MS degree in Computer Engineering from University of Cincinnati, Ohio.
In addition to the featured talk, there will be a Technical Presentation by Richard Man of ImageCraft (C4Everyone.com) on the JumpStart Microbox Education Kit for the Cortex-M.
The meeting will be held at the Palo Alto Elks Lodge, 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Meeting registration starts at 7PM in the Lodge room on the second floor. The featured talks begins at 7:30PM.
All members and guests are invited to attend a NO-host dinner prior to our general meeting. Dinner will be at 5:45 PM at The Bistro located on the ground floor of the Elks Lodge.