October 16, 2019 Meeting
Maurice Green, PhD
President/Webmaster, SPAUG
A password manager is a piece of software that remembers passwords, so you don’t have to. By remembering a single master password, all of your other passwords are stored securely for retrieval as and when you need them.
Maury will discuss the properties and use of strong passwords to secure your online accounts and describe a number of available paid and free password managers.
As usual, the meeting will be held at the Palo Alto Elks Lodge, 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto and begins at 7PM. We will be meeting in the Library on the second floor.
For those who enjoy the schmooze, we will have our usual no-host pre-meeting dinner at 5:30PM in the Bistro Café on the first floor of the lodge.
NOTE: This meeting will be available online via ZOOM.
The online session will start at 7PM.
To join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 230 051 280
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