Take a Second Look with Snapfiles’ “Latest User Reviews”

I visit Snapfiles’ Freeware update page every day, both to see which programs I use might have been updated and to learn of programs I hadn’t known about or had earlier rejected for some reason.

Occasionally, I visit Snapfiles’ “Latest User Reviews” page, again mostly to learn of programs I hadn’t known about or had previously rejected. Sometimes the results are surprising. Today (Aug 8, 2015) I found a July 15, 2015 five-star review for Hot Corners,  a program that was Last updated Mar 14, 2007.


Snapfiles’ general organization within its separate freeware and shareware categories is by function. Within functions, at a lower leve, you can sort using several different filters; my choice is “Current Popularity”, here’s an example: Image and Photo Editing Freeware.

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