4249 El Camino Real
Palo Alto

Random Access
We have no outside speaker this month so all members are invited to come and discuss problems and learn about new techniques. If you would like to make a presentation on a topic, please let us know and we will schedule it.
We would also like to have a discussion about possible future topics for our meetings. If you know someone who would be a good speaker on an interesting topic, we want to hear from you.
As usual, the meeting will be held at the Palo Alto Elks Lodge, 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto and begins at 7PM. We will be meeting in the Conference Room on the second floor.
For those who enjoy the schmooze, we will have our usual no-host pre-meeting dinner at 5:30PM in the Bistro Café on the first floor of the lodge.
NOTE: This meeting will NOT be available on ZOOM.