In April 2014 Microsoft will no longer support Office 2003 and with the cessation in July of 2014, two months later of the support of XP’s anti-virus updating also ceasing, XP will effectively be dead. No one can maintain a computer without a steady stream of antivirus patches – so the combination will be dead.
Author Archives: Jim Dinkey
PrezNotes Oct 2011
SPAUG is the follow-on to the Homebrew computer club, which seemed to implode about 28 years ago. That Homebrew crowd was on the bleeding edge of the technology that was available at the time. At that time, upon the void created by the cessation of the Homebrew computer club, through a miracle of events, personnel, and circumstance, a new club formed which had the inglorious name because of circumstance, the Stanford Palo Alto User Group (for PC) (SPAUG).
The War for Your Computer
There is a war for and over your computer. You don’t own it — you’re merely renting it to those who have a self-proclaimed mission of using it for themselves without your permission. The attacks on you for the use of your computer are well documented. The cure is creating an environment hostile to the hackers and crackers making the attack.