Computer Clinic Sue Kayton, The Computer Doctor Slow operating system? Virus infection? Blue Screen of Death? The Doctor is In! Sue Kayton, the Computer Doctor, will do a diagnostic and repair/virus removal clinic for your computer at our meeting.[...]
Monthly meeting of the SPAUG Planning Committee. Agenda items to be announced
Monthly meeting of the SPAUG Planning Committee. Agenda items to be announced
Creating an Instructional Video Maurice Green and Robert Mitchell Following up on last month’s demonstration of upgrading an HP laptop to an SSD drive, we will demonstrate the use of multi-track editing with added still images[...]
Monthly meeting of the SPAUG Planning Committee. Agenda items to be announced
Privacy John Buck John will lead a discussion on computer privacy based on the recent articles published in the November 2016 issue of Consumer Reports. Members are encouraged to review the articles before the meeting. Read[...]
Security and Privacy Forum Sue Kayton (The Computer Doctor) and Michael Barclay (Electronic Frontier Foundation) will moderate an open forum on computer security and privacy issues. Please go to the link below to submit your[...]
CES 2017 Andy Marken Andy Marken returns to SPAUG to review some of the new and exciting developments from CES 2017. Read more…
Monthly meeting of the SPAUG Planning Committee. Agenda items to be announced
Member’s Night The February meeting will be devoted to short (15-20 minute) presentations by members of the club. If you have a topic you would like to present, please email a title and short description[...]
Smart TVs and Next Generation TVs Sue Kayton The Computer Doctor returns to SPAUG with a demonstration of Smart TVs and a discussion of the features of the next generation of TVs. Attendees will be[...]
Living Better with Technology Avenidas living better with technology conference for seniors. Explore, engage and shape. Talks and exhibits on a wide variety of subjects. Larry Magid will be the keynote speaker. Details on the[...]
Machine Learning and AI for the Rest of Us Jim Baldwin, Antimatter Research What is Machine Learning and how will Artificial Intelligence help us. Jim will present an introduction to help demystify these concepts. He[...]
Getting to Know Windows 10 Lucas Magalhaes & Juan Chavez, Microsoft In this session, we’ll discuss how Windows 10 integrates with your various devices and how Windows 10 can help make them better. Then we’ll[...]
Member’s Night A series of short talks by members on various subjects, including John Buck on My Favorite Clipboard Manager Maurice Green on Phishing Schemes and Ransomeware Robert Mitchell on the Alice Project by Antimatter[...]
Tips and Tricks This is your chance to tell the group about some of your favorite computer tips and tricks or how you have solved a recent problem with your computer system. PDF to Word[...]
Using Excel for Work SPAUG member John Buck will show and discuss the MS Excel file he uses to create a work schedule for 30 people to fill 12 jobs on 13 days. Bonus: We[...]
Video Conferencing with ZOOM As promised at the last meeting, this month we will delve into some of the details of using video conferencing for chat, meetings, webinars, etc. The program we have selected for[...]
Tips and Tricks for Social Media Christie Bilikam The use of social media has grown exponentially over the past 10 years. Yet there are many people who still do not use social media or have[...]
The Internet of Things – It’s Everywhere Sue Kayton These days you can go online to adjust your hearing aid, open your garage door, pay touchlessly at the grocery store, use your cell phone as[...]
A Review of CES 2018 Andy Marken Andy returns to SPAUG to give us a review of the latest and greatest things at the 2018 CES meeting in Las Vegas. Read more…
Preserving Old Pictures, Slides and Movies Matt Todd Matt will be present the current options for archiving all of your old pictures, negatives, slides and movies. From doing it yourself to using Mikes Camera’s professional[...]
Minitel: The Web before the Web Authors Kevin Driscoll & Julien Mailland in Conversation with Internet History Program Curatorial Director Marc Weber A decade before the web began taking the rest of us online, France was[...]
Random Access and Project Presentation This will be an open session for those of you with interesting projects you would like to talk about or questions you would like to ask. Here are a few[...]
DRONE TECHNOLOGY Manie Kohn will discuss the use of drone aircraft (UAVs) in real estate photography, emergency services and law enforcement. Manie’s standing in the industry as an educator, instructor and an industry leading “Drone-O-Grapher” has[...]
2nd Annual Avenidas Technical Conference PROGRAM: 3:30-4:00 pm | Registration 4:00-4:05 pm | Welcome Remarks from Avenidas President & CEO Amy Andonian 4:05-4:45 pm | Keynote speaker: Dennis Boyle, Founding Member of IDEO 4:45-5:00[...]
Elections and Computer Technology Maurice Green, PhD Computers have become indispensable in modern election campaigns. Maurice Green has been involved in a number of local elections in support of grass-roots initiatives and local candidates. He[...]
design & Technology! making a difference Abigayil Tamara, M.A., M.S.W. Good design helps make a difference in the use of a product. Some products help increase functionality more than others. Technology has greatly increased this process, and we have seen rapid changes[...]